9 Dec
The XXXIV Annual Conference of Associazone Idi Giuristi di Lingua taliana

It was a great pleasure for me to participate at the XXXIV Annual Conference of Associazone Italiana di Giuristi di Lingua and meeting again close friends and colleagues from around the world after 3 tough years of Covid. Antonio Monti, Claudio Arturo, Fernando Sales Bellido, Gianluca Sardo,Fabio Soldati, Matthias W. Stecher,. Jesús Pérez de la Cruz Oña, Benan Ilhanli, Andreas Dr. Hon. Prof. EUSTACCHIO, LL.M. (LSE London), Cavaliere, Nieves Perulles, Dr. Helena,Robert Budde, Luca Paleari, Avv. Prof. Mario Furno, Alessandro Allievi, Mario Dusi . looking forward to meeting you at the next AIGLI Convention!
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