Tsamichas Ioannis had the pleasure to attend as a speaker at the Webinar “ESG: Why is it so important to companies and Investors”

The Hellenic-Italian Chamber of Commerce of Athens in collaboration with ICAP CRIF and Synesgy, is delighted to invite you to the Webinar on Thursday 7/7 at 3.00 pm EEST.

How can companies know their level of sustainability and make self-assessment to be accredited in the marketplace?

In this Webinar we are going to discuss:
• Economic Materiality of ESG Risk
• Synesgy: the ESG Global Digital Platform for supply chain assessment

Our speakers:
Cav. Avv. Ioannis Tsamichas
George Christodoulakis
Francesco Portioli

Register today, and learn valuable insights on how to create an effective sustainability strategy and achieve your long-term company goals!
Link to registration: https://bit.ly/3QJjiIF

Camera di Commercio Italo-Ellenica di Atene

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